Our Town Danville VA

Residents of Danville, sharing about Our Town.

Join Us on March 5 at the City Council Meeting and let us have our voices heard!

Join us in Protecting “Our Neighborhood”, “Our Community”, and “Our Town”!

Support our opposition to the rezoning of 1700 West Main Street for the betterment of Danville!

March 5, 2024 ay 7PM

Rezoning of 1700 West Main Street

Concerned residents of Danville, Virginia, vehemently oppose the arbitrary and unpredictable rezoning of 1700 West Main Street from Single-Family Residential to Multi-Family Residential. This change in zoning solely benefits the current property owner and developers without concern for the overarching general welfare benefit to the city as a whole.

Click here to watch the video of the latest planning commission meeting where we residents spoke in opposition to the rezone

What is Spot Re-Zoning?



  • Definition of Spot Rezoning: Spot rezoning refers to the practice of changing the zoning designation of a specific parcel of land, often to accommodate a single development project, rather than as part of a comprehensive planning process for an entire area.
  • Lack of Comprehensive Planning: Spot rezoning can disrupt the comprehensive planning process that municipalities undertake to ensure orderly and sustainable development. By allowing individual parcels to be rezoned without considering the broader context of the community's development goals and land-use plans, spot rezoning can lead to haphazard development patterns and inconsistent land-use decisions.
  • Incompatibility with Surrounding Uses: Spot rezoning may result in developments that are incompatible with surrounding uses and zoning regulations. This can lead to negative impacts on neighborhoods, such as increased traffic congestion, loss of open space, diminished property values, and changes to the character of the community.
  • Lack of Public Input: Since spot rezoning typically involves a specific parcel of land and a particular development proposal, it may not receive the same level of public scrutiny and community engagement as broader zoning changes or comprehensive planning processes.
  • Potential for Favoritism and Corruption: Without robust public oversight and adherence to established planning procedures, spot rezoning decisions may be influenced by political pressure, lobbying efforts, or personal connections, rather than sound planning principles and community interests.
  • Advocacy for Comprehensive Planning: Advocate for comprehensive planning approaches that involve meaningful public participation, stakeholder engagement, and consideration of long-term community goals and values. Encourage decision-makers to prioritize the adoption and implementation of zoning and land-use policies that reflect the shared vision and aspirations of the community as a whole.

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